Monday 6th March: missed the bus!

So I was in a bit of a daze this morning – so knackered after a late night on Saturday, followed by an early start for the Quaker meeting yesterday, and then even a bit of a late night last night.

I missed the bus to work – and the next bus would be pushing it a bit in regards to getting to work on time. If I’m late, I forfeit my morning tea break.

So I walked to the last bus stop in Brading, and started sticking my thumb out. I didn’t really want to be hitching because I was still very half asleep.

But a guy stops – a carpet fitter. He’s very happy to pick me up, and I’m sorry for not being better company, I’m literally almost falling asleep in the car.

Coming home, Nikki had offered me a lift ‘down the road’. I told her I just needed to go to the roundabout so it was okay, but I must arrange to hang out with her and her husband sometime, we barely talk now that at work we’re on different benches, so have different tea breaks…

My colleague at the bus stop wished me well.

I counted that my ride today was after 7 cars. A very interesting young lady – she works at the Isle of Wight pet crematorium. She does cremations, but she said they also have live animals there that she looks after. She’s been there 10 years! And she said that she loves the island, having moved here as a teen with her mum and sisters to get away from her abusive father.
She really liked the idea of hitchhiking, and tries to help anyone that needs a hand. She said last week she was driving home and night and saw someone quite drunk just walking along and offered them a lift, to get them home safely.

I took this photo from my back garden when I got in:


I didn’t propose to have a photo with my drivers today, because I feel I need to do it better. I think I’ll get some business cards printed for this blog, and some stickers too šŸ˜‚

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