Monday 27th March: hitchhiking in Lake

Today I had to pick up my new super duper expensive (I’d never had to pay before) glasses, from the opticians in Lake. By chance I caught a bus to Lake (I left work needing a pee, which delayed any possible hitching plans, and the bus was just…..there….).

I wanted to still hitch home.

So in true hitching home spirit, I found a fantastic hitch spot at the bus stop by tescos, where a zebra crossing makes everyone slow down for me. The sun was in my eyes so I didn’t see people’s reactions much, but I trust they were good.

Within a couple of minutes Sheree picked me up. We rearranged the plants on the seat and I held a tray of little plants like as if they were a pet.

She was very pro-hitchhiking, and we talked about hitching as a great way of bringing the world together. She seemed excited by the sounds of this blog!

A glorious day 🌞